Just a head's up, this is a SUPER long post, but there are also a TON of pictures at the end!!!
The last day and a half has been busy, but awesome! We finally got to hear Max's sweet voice today! He's been so quiet and shy, but he's starting to mimic some of the things we say. His favorite is to repeat each time we say "thank you". At least we will have a polite kiddo!!!
We got a whole nine and a half hours of sleep last night! We were amazed. And when this boy sleeps, he's out to the world! I got a few elbows to the ribs and kicked in the shins a few times, but hey I can take it! Just another week and a half of getting to snuggle in the same bed as my boy! We aren't going to be able to keep that up at home!!!
Today we ventured out to Big C, a store very similar to Walmart. We got some food to keep here at the room. Max had a great time riding in the cart, and loved to have us hand him our items to drop in the basket. Not once did he grab for anything or get upset. He's such a trooper!!!
One thing we've learned for sure about our little man is that he HATES elevators! We're on the 14th floor, so its just not practical to take the stairs every time. As soon as he even sees the elevator he starts to whimper, and as soon as the doors close its a full out cry until the doors open again, and then he's fine. I don't think he likes the feeling when it goes up and down. Hope he doesn't have that same fear on the airplane back home!
After Big C, we came back for some lunch. Its been raining all day, so our plans to visit the kiddie pool haven't worked out. Then we played for a bit. Well really, Max just enjoyed taking all his toys out of the closet and then putting them back in! At least he's easily entertained. Then we read a book, and it was time for a nap. We laid him on the bed, Stephen laid down next to him, and he was out within 5 minutes. No tears!! Such a good boy!
Since I was so terrible about blogging yesterday (sorry, I just couldn't steal myself away from him!!) I'm going to post a ton of pictures today. Some of them are of Pakkred Babies' Home where Max lived. We were really impressed by everything there. The kids are very well taken care of. There's also a picture of the bed he's been sleeping in since he was two and a half. The rest of the pictures are just of Max hanging around here with us. Enjoy!!!!
Everytime I read your post, I feel so blessed that God brought your family into our lives. Max is awesome and so are you both. God bless you all. Praying everyday for your family of three.
We told the story from Acts 3 in our home group this week about a miracle. What you are doing is telling us a story of another miracle God has done! Thank you for sharing it with us. To God be the glory!
We are so happy for your family!! Hope you are enjoying your time and we can't wait to meet him! We will have to have a playdate for sure :) God Bless and enjoy every minute!!
Love, Josh, Kayla & Natalee
Congrats to our son!!! Malin from Sweden
What a precious little guy. I am praying for his adjustment & all the changes he is going through. God bless & congratulations! Jana Pasche
Lynds and I are so psyched for you guys. You all look so happy and thats is the way it should be. God Bless you all throughout the rest of the trip!
Stephen, Angie and Max,
We are soo happy for your family! This has been a long time in the making and it finally has happened to you! Stephen and Angie enjoy every minute, smile, hugs, kisses and tears! Being parents is the greatest gift of all!!
Lots of love to you!
Aunt Di, Uncle John, Ashley and Kelsey
Max is a handsome little man. His smile is contaigious. I can't wait to meet my "Great" nephew, and for him to meet Evan and Will. You guys waited a long time for this, and you deserve a very special child. And it looks as if you've got him. I live my life believing everything happens for a reason. I believe Max was meant to be with the two of you.
Love always,
Uncle Dan, Aunt Sarah, Will, and Evan.
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